Baron Packs of Hay

Derek Kirstenfeldt • October 11, 2023

What Is A Baron Pack of Hay?

A baron pack, also called a "Bale Baron", is simply 21 small square bales of hay bundled into one large bale using twine.  Baron packs can also contain 18 bales but generally in Queensland we use 21 bales.

What size is a bale baron?

Bale Barons that contaion 21 small bales are generally 8 feet (2.4m) long x 4 feet (1.2m) high x 3 feet (0.9m) wide.  This size can vary slightly depending on the species of plant and the bailer used.

We have included an image below that shows a bale baron or baron pack.

What size ute/trailer do i need to transport them?

Toowoomba Hay Farm only sells large square bales, baron packs or round bales.  If you intend on coming in to purchase, you need to ensure that you bring a ute or trailer big enough to fit a bale of hay that is 2.4m long.  We cannot break baron packs into small squares due to insurance reasons.  We are a wholesaler, from farm to consumer not a retail outlet.

How much do bale barons weigh?

In general, a 21 pack Bale baron can weigh between 400 - 520kg depending on the plant species, moisture content and the weights of the small bales.


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